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The Honey Super Deluxe - Bee Hive Setup


Honey Bees & Beekeeping Supplies
Complete Hives, Nucs, Queens, Supplies & Classes
2025 Honey Bees For Sale
We are currently taking orders for
Spring 25 Bees - April & May Pick Up & Class Dates

Location: San Antonio, Texas Metro - Somerset Area 78069

Please Note: ALL ORDERS are local pick up only - No Shipping. By placing an order with The Bee Place, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the process and terms explained on the Ordering Agreement. We will email you the Monday prior to your pick up date to schedule an appointment and provide the address we will use for the weekend. You will receive an email receipt for your order from "service@paypal" on our behalf. (check your spam folder if needed)
Since we accept Credit/Debit Cards via PayPal, all payment information is processed securely by PayPal and they send the receipt. We do not see or have access to any credit card details. Contact Us for alternate payment options: e.g Check by mail, Venmo or Zelle (cash apps) - Download and Print our Honey Bee Health Certificate here.

Each set comes complete with the following:

1 - Nuc of Bees with a mated Queen installed in the following setup
1 - Telescoping Top Cover
1 - Inner Cover (not showing)
1 - 6 5/8" Honey Super Body & Frames
1 - 9 5/8" Deep Brood Body & Frames
1 - Screened Bottom Board w/Removable Drawer
1 - Entrance Reducer
1 - 1.5 Gallon Frame Feeder

10 Frame Traditional Complete Hive Set with 1 Deep Brood Chamber & 1 Honey Super

Honey Super Set $550

Hive with a Nuc of Bees Installed

(Click the image for larger view)

Select the Type of Bees from the dropdown menu below.
Italian or Texan (local blend)
Visit the Types of Bees page for more information

Hive Set without Bees - Hive Only - $250 (see below)

All Hives, Bees, Parts and Supplies are - Local Pick Up Only - Select the Type of Bees and Pick Up dates below.

Visit the Bee Pick Up Day FAQs page for hive sizes and transport information

Pick Up Date Options for Spring of 2025
Click the date below to see additional dates
We will email you the Monday prior to your pick up date to schedule an appointment and provide the address we will use for the weekend. You will receive an email receipt for your order from "service@paypal" on our behalf. (check your spam folder if needed)

Honey Super Deluxe - Bee Hive Set

One 5 Frame Nuc is installed into a 10 frame hive set with 3 new frames and a 1.5 Gallon Feeder (Feeder can be traded for 2 new blank frames*)

Hive with Italian Bees
Great for Beginning Beekeepers

Hive with Texan Bees
Mite Resistant - Local Stock

Hive without Bees
Ready to install nuc, package or swarm

Select Pick Up Date Here
Best eMail Address
Best Phone Number
Select Pick Up Date Here
Best eMail Address
Best Phone Number
Select Pick Up Date Here
Best eMail Address
Best Phone Number

* = These hives come with a 5 frame nucleus colony of bees installed; including a young mated queen and 3 new blank frames with foundation and an internal frame feeder. Feeder can be exchanged for 2 additional new blank frames. We must receive an email request to exchange the feeder with the order so we can make the change before installing the bees into the hive body and closing them for transit.
Prices are per hive of bees and include the feeder, top, bottom and ratchet strap to hold things together for transport.

These will have the entrances closed the night before pick up and be ready to load in any vehicle and set out at your location and release.


Need Lessons? Add our Honeybees 101 Group Class to your hive order. $50 per seat

This deluxe hive starter set up offers immediate honey storage space over a deep brood chamber.

These are made with white pine and every box is hand crafted for strength and stability. This Honey Super Deluxe Set comes complete with one 9 5/8" Deep Brood Body, one 6 5/8" Honey Super Body, 20 assembled Wood Frames (10 per box) with Waxed Rite-Cell® Foundation. You will also receive an assembled Top Cover with Inner Cover, Screened Bottom Board and Entrance Reducer.

All parts are fully assembled and ready to use with bees. The exterior of the boxes are primed and painted with high quality exterior latex house paint for protection from the elements. Custom colors available.

Most items and parts are in stock. However, during the heavy season, some may be limited. Please allow up to two weeks for delivery on all large orders. Please check before placing an order if time is of the essence. All orders are subject to the availability of raw materials. All prices are subject to change without notice.

We double check all hives and nucs prior to marking them ready for pick up and rarely have issues, but we are human and prone to mistakes and bees are live animals and prone to change from one day to the next. Therefore we have the following policy and will replace or exchange a colony if we are notified of an issue right away. Waiting more than a week to report an issue is not considered right away.

Cancellation, Refund and Return Policy:

     Honey bees are livestock, therefore they are subject to conditions and other factors that effect their health such as; diseases, pesticides, temperatures, etc. and since we have no control over the conditions the bees are subjected to once they leave our property, we can not be responsible for incidents or accidents after they leave our possession. For these reasons, you are more than welcome to do hive inspections before leaving our property.

    Should you decide to waive the pick up day inspection, we simply ask that you please report any issues within 48 hours of receiving your bees.

     Since we must make all necessary arrangements and commitments to secure everything needed to fill orders, from equipment to reserving bees to securing queens from preferred out of state breeders, etc., we have the following cancellation policy:

Cancellation of Orders: All cancellations for refunds must be requested in writing within seven (7) days from the time the order is placed. A 10% processing fee will be applied to all cancellation requests filled after the seventh day of the order and will be processed as time permits.

Returns for Supplies and Gear: If there is any issue with any equipment, supplies or gear, please let us know within seven (7) days of the receipt of the product and we will arrange for an exchange. All requests for a refund filled after this time are subject to a 10% restocking fee.

• Single Deep Hive Set • Honey Super Deluxe Set • Double Deep Hive Set •

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Registered with and Permitted by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University

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