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Thank you for the order,
review the information below carefully and follow the instructions on this page to check your order and print your receipt (if needed) and to understand when and how we will contact you to provide your order.

Now that your payment has been processed by our merchant account partner, PayPal, you will receive a confirmation email soon that will serve as your receipt. You should verify your order contents for accuracy. Look for an email message like the sample below with "Receipt for Your Payment to The Bee Place" in the Subject line and service@paypal.com in the "From" field and save / print if needed for your records. Since we use PayPal, a secure message will be sent from our account to you with the details about the payment that processed and confirm the payment on our behalf.

Click to enlarge the sample email receipt image

If you ordered supplies only and no bees, we will contact you using the e-mail address and/or phone number you provided at check out when your order is ready to be picked up at one of our San Antonio area locations.

If your order includes bees, please make sure we have your current and correct contact information and update us if it changes before the scheduled pick up date, typically in April or May.

Please add beekeeper@thebeeplace.com to your email contact list to prevent future notices from getting filtered into a spam or junk mail folder. We'll send you an email by the end of business on the Monday prior to your pick up date with a phone number to call to schedule an appointment time with the pick up date coordinator. Meanwhile, feel free to visit our website's Educational page for information and resources you may find useful.

If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call anytime and we'll be happy to go over the details of your order.

We appreciate you shopping with us and helping to keep honey bees thriving in our communities!

Thanks again,
The Bee Place Staff


Bees For SaleBeekeeping SuppliesAg Exemption • PollinationEducationalContact Us

Registered with and Permitted by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University

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No parts may be copied, sold or otherwise reproduced without our express written permission. 
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