Updated: March 2025
Each Monday we process the orders for the upcoming weekend so we can provide Tammy (our event coordinator)
a list of everyone coming so she can help coordinate the pick up scheduling. We make the appointment times 10 - 15
minutes apart throughout the afternoon, starting around 1:00 pm, right after the morning beekeeping class session. The appointment scheduling
is to help prevent everyone from showing up at once and having to wait too long while we load bees for other customers throughout the day.
You will receive an email from us the Monday prior to the pick up date you select when placing your order. This email will provide Tammy's phone number requesting you to call
to schedule your appointment time. The sooner you call her on Monday or Tuesday, the more choices you will have for time slots.
Please carefully review the information below
and follow the instructions on the "Thank you for your order" page you will
see once your payment has been processed. Please save the receipt confirmation email you receive after your
payment is complete. Look for an email message with "Receipt for Your
Payment to The Bee Place" in the Subject line and service@paypal.com in the
"From" field and save / print if needed for your records. Since we use
PayPal a secure message will be sent from our account to you with the
details about the payment that processed and confirm the payment on our
The process for ordering
honey bees and supplies is as follows:
Please read this entire section before
placing an order. By placing an order for bees, you are acknowledging and
agreeing to this process.
off, please add beekeeper@thebeeplace.com
and service@paypal.com to your email contacts. Otherwise you may not notice a message from us for scheduling your pickup appointment, as some service providers filter bulk email automatically. Always check your spam/junk mail folder for missing notices.
Secondly, do not rely on Google to get you to the correct location ... until
after you receive an address from us the week of your pick up appointment
scheduling. Be aware that searching for us on Google may not take you to the
correct location for bee pick up and classes.
The FAQs
& Summer Bees
pages also contains important information and is good to
review and understand prior to transporting bees in the heat.
This is an evolving process that we have
found works best for everyone - mainly the bees.
Select the item format, the genetics (Italian, Texan, etc.) and pick up date that will
best suit your needs and schedule.
(Please visit
Honey Bees For Sale
and FAQs, Types of Bees pages for details.)
2. Once decided on an item, please include the email address you wish for us to
use to contact you to schedule your appointment for pickup. (we only need
your contact information on the first item you add to your cart)
Then use the
item's "Add to Cart" button to place an item of your choice into the virtual
shopping cart.
You will have the option to increase the number of each item on the shopping
cart page. You will also have the option to "continue shopping" after adding
an item to your cart. Once you have everything in the cart for the order,
proceed to the payment options as described below.
3. Pay for your order using your choice of either
PayPal account balance, or b.) any major credit card (if you do not have or
do not wish to use a PayPal balance). Since all of our website payments go
through the highly secure PayPal system, you will
receive an email receipt for your order with the details itemized. Please check your receipt for
accuracy and to make sure your payment covered everything you intend to
purchase. For security reasons, we never see your personal information or
card number. We will contact you using the email address you provide if we
have any questions.
4. We will contact you the Monday before your pick up
and/or class date after we get the current
local weather forecast for the weekend ahead and determine the best of our locations
to use for pick up. We will then send an email to provide any special
information and to schedule your appointment time.
Responding to this email request within 48 hours will allow us ample time to
complete appointments and prepare orders so everything is ready and goes
as smoothly as possible when you arrive.
If we do
not get a reply within 48 hours, we may need to reschedule your order pickup
for a later date. If you do not receive your appointment email by the end of
business on the Monday
prior to your pickup date,
check your spam or junk mail folder. If you still do not have a
message from us, please contact us on Tuesday to schedule your
appointment time. Since we have multiple locations and we do not want you to
end up at the wrong address, we DO NOT provide the address until we can
confirm your appointment.
5. When we receive your reply, we will provide the
address and basic pickup information. Please
understand that the
address is not on our website and a Google search may take you to the wrong
location - please be patient and follow the above steps to avoid
Please note: If you are not a seasoned beekeeper and have
multiple questions about taking care of your bees, please order and plan to attend the Beekeeping Class. While we love to talk about bees
and we realize new beekeepers have a lot of questions, we also realize the
question and answer sessions can get lengthy and cause delays in loading
orders for other customers. Therefore, we offer a low priced Beekeeping Basics group class where all of your questions can be
answered as well as getting some hands on experience over an active hive. We
also invite you to visit the Honey Bee Educational Information &
Resources page for basic information and links to videos and downloads
you will find helpful when starting down the path of keeping bees.
Also note: We also offer
Beekeeping Supplies, that we can have ready when you pick up your bees -
as long as you order the supplies when you order your bees. Keep in mind
that in the spring, the beekeeping suppliers are like stores at the mall
during Christmas shopping season. Ordering
several months in advance is advisable. Many items are sold out and/or
backordered during peak seasons. Waiting to place an order may result in waiting to
pickup an order.