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Beekeeping Basics
Group Class

Honey Bees & Beekeeping Supplies
Complete Hives, Nucs, Queens, Supplies & Classes
2025 Honey Bees For Sale
We are currently taking orders for
Spring 25 Bees - April & May Pick Up & Class Dates

Location: San Antonio, Texas Metro - Somerset Area 78069

Please Note: ALL ORDERS are local pick up only - No Shipping. By placing an order with The Bee Place, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the process and terms explained on the Ordering Agreement. We will email you the Monday prior to your pick up date to schedule an appointment and provide the address we will use for the weekend. You will receive an email receipt for your order from "service@paypal" on our behalf. (check your spam folder if needed)
Since we accept Credit/Debit Cards via PayPal, all payment information is processed securely by PayPal and they send the receipt. We do not see or have access to any credit card details. Contact Us for alternate payment options: e.g Check by mail, Venmo or Zelle (cash apps) - Download and Print our Honey Bee Health Certificate here.

Group Class - Schedule Dates Below
Weather permitting of course

Group Class Rate: $50 per seat/student

This is a small group class designed to prepare new beekeepers with the basic information needed to get started on their journey into the age old art of beekeeping. The objective is to get beginners started off on the right track and focuses on the fundamentals needed to keep healthy and productive hives, with additional guidance on continuing education.

The video portion of the class consists of a few hours discussing the key elements that we consider to be most important for keeping bees. Honey bees need a dry home with a healthy vigorous laying queen, plenty of food and finally parasite management (primarily Varroa Mite control). Then we move outdoors and go through an active hive so everyone can learn how to properly address a hive, hold a frame of bees and correctly identify all of the internal components of the hive. Including the food, brood and the three castes of the hive - The Queen, the Workers, and the Drones.

The objective is to help beginning beekeepers understand how to manage and actually handle bees and get past any fears and unneeded intimidation or preconceived notions about honey bees. We think beekeeping should be an enjoyable experience, not a battle or chore.

The class is also full of useful information for anyone simply wanting to learn and know more about honey bees.

After we go over the basics of beekeeping including the "hands on" section there will be plenty of time for Q & A for those that want to stick around and talk bees, weather permitting of course.

Once we receive a payment for the class, we will provide a link to a 5 part video mini series and instructions along with the physical address for the final part of the class. Note: There will be a Q & A and video recap session at our place prior to going over and opening and inspecting an active bee hive.

The classes will generally include, but are not limited to the following topics of discussion:
  • Equipment
  • Hive Setup
    • Component Arrangement and Placement
  • Hive Maintenance
    • How often and what to look for during inspections
  • Life Cycle of the Honey Bee
  • Supplements
    • What, Where, How, When and Why
  • Pests and Diseases of the Hive
    • Identification, Prevention & Treatments
  • Varroa Mite Controls
    • Treatment Methods and Management
  • Swarm Prevention
    • What is all the buzz about
  • Harvesting Honey
    • How much to rob and when

Please Note: The Hands On Session We explore the insides of a honey bee hive of a very gentle nature. These are non-aggressive hives of Italian bees, therefore full protective gear is not required, but a bee veil is recommended for the general comfort level of the participants.

This session covers....

What are we looking for when we approach the hive?
How to properly administer the smoke and why
What are we looking for when we open the hive?
Quickly identify a worker, a drone and a queen bee
How to preform a simple, quick yet informed hive check
How to preform a full hive inspection and why
How to verify a hive is "Queen Rite", without seeing a queen
How to detect a "Nectar Flow" at a glance
How to find the eggs and larvae
How to detect honey bee brood diseases
How to tell the difference in honey and nectar
How to know if a queen is failing
See the difference in capped brood and capped honey
See the "food stores" - pollen, nectar and honey
When to add another box or remove a box and why
How to arrange the frames and why
How to safely close up with care
...and more

Spring '25 Basic Beekeeping Classes

Class Format - 2 hours online and about 2 hours in person in Somerset TX (Southwest San Antonio Area)

The early spring and fall classes start at 10:00 am and last until about noon. Later in the season (typically May dates) the class starts earlier due to the heat, normally 9:00 am.
Please check with us for an exact time if needed.
There will be a video recap and updates with Q & A before the hands-on part of the class.
NOTICE: You will receive a link to the Online Video series after payment is complete.
By placing an order you are acknowledging and agreeing to the terms of the Ordering Agreement

$50 per Student Ask about our advanced class dates
Use the Add to Cart button below
Use the dropdown arrow to select the date.
Please review the Educational page and the video links and downloadable files posted there prior to the class.
Select Pick Up Date Here
Best eMail Address
Best Phone Number
Use the dropdown arrow menu to the left for available date options. All class times will be by appointment in small groups.

The spring classes normally start at 10:00 am
Later in the season the class starts earlier due to the heat, normally 9:00 am. Please check with us for an exact time if needed.

Classes are weather permitting.
Please note: we do not open hives in the rain or temps below 60

Additional Information & Resources on our
Educational page for students of the bees

The Bee Place Home Page

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Registered with and Permitted by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University

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No parts may be copied, sold or otherwise reproduced without our express written permission. 
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