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Honey Bees & Beekeeping Supplies
Complete Hives, Nucs, Queens, Supplies & Classes
2025 Honey Bees For Sale
We are now taking orders for
Spring 25 Bees - March & April Pick Up & Class Dates

Location: San Antonio, Texas Metro - Somerset Area 78069

Download and Print our Honey Bee Health Certificate Please Note: ALL ORDERS are local pick up only - No Shipping. By placing an order with The Bee Place, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the process and terms of the Ordering Agreement. We accept Credit/Debit Cards (via PayPal) All payment information is processed securely by PayPal. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. Contact Us for alternate payment options: e.g Check by mail, Venmo or Zelle (cash apps)

5 Frame Nucs with Mated Queens
Queens are not marked or clipped - unless otherwise noted


Scroll down for more images


Type of Bees available:
Select below from
Italian or Texan

Visit the Types of Bees page for additional information about genetic variances

Visit the FAQs page for general information about picking up and transporting bees

Visit the Nuc Installation page for step by step installation instructions

Nucleus colonies of bees come on Deep Frames in a ventilated ProNuc transport tote with a click lock lid.
Prices are per Nuc of bees - you keep the box - no deposit or frame or box exchange involved.

      Nuc is short for Nucleus, which is basically a starter colony of bees including honeycomb on frames that fit into a Langstroth style deep hive box. The deep frames will not fit sideways into a V-Shape Top Bar style hive. They will fit length wise, but may require some adaptation for supporting the frames. There may be conversion kits available, but that is not something we offer. Each Nuc comes with a mated/laying Queen and bees with a balanced mix of the essentials; brood, pollen, nectar and honey. The bees will come contained and closed in a temporary transport box safe for travel in the cabin of your vehicle. They may be transferred into your hive as soon as you get them to your apiary. The bees do not have to be transferred the same day, but they will need to be transferred into a standard size 8 or 10 frame deep box, such as a full Hive Set within a few days to prevent swarming.

Options: Italian or Texan Bees
Visit the Types of Bees page for more information
Queens are not marked

Spring of 2025 Pick Up Date(s) Available
Use the dropdown arrows below to see all pick up date options
Nuc of VSH Italian Bees
Recommended for Beginners
5 Frame Nuc $300
Select Pick Up Date Here
Best eMail Address
Best Phone Number
Nuc of Texan Bees
Mite Resistant - Local Stock
5 Frame Nuc $300
Select Pick Up Date Here
Best eMail Address
Best Phone Number

     You will have the option to add the number of Nucs you would like when you get to the next page after you click the "Add to Cart" button. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like additional information. We will send a notice with all of the needed information a week or so in advance of the scheduled pickup date as well as the physical address to be used on a given date. Please make sure we have the correct and most current email address and phone number when ordering.

     The Nuc is our second most popular starter hive option. The Apiary Starter Kits are the most popular because the starter kits come with a nuc of bees installed in new boxes, a new queen bee, basic beekeeping class and tools. The Nucs contain all the components of the colony (but do not come with a full size hive box.) Starting with a mated and laying queen bee, frames of brood (eggs and larvae in multiple stages) with nurse or "house bees", frames of pollen, nectar, and honey with workers or "field bees" and a few drones.

     We offer "Beekeeping Basics" group classes. These are held the same day as all bee and supply order pick up dates at our Somerset location. Visit the Honeybees 101 page for details.

     Also available are complete Hive Kits with Bees including the hive boxes with a deluxe top and bottom, or select one of our Apiary Starter Kits.

     We treat for Varroa* Mites prior to pickup dates.
* Varroa Destructor - (Varroa spp.) is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees and is considered the number one cause of colony collapse.
Beekeeping Basics




Purchase Seats for the Basic Class Here

In this session we will go over the basics of beekeeping as well as how to set-up, inspect, manage and maintain your new bee hives.

Includes "hands on" in an open hive, protective gear recommended for beginners.

More Beekeeping Class Info Here

Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance placing an order

Photos of Our Bees

The Spring is the most common time of the year for starting new colonies and making spits that produce additional hives of honeybee. We're seeing a late Spring bloom this year in many areas.


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Click the following link for larger versions of the above Photos of our Bees

We double check all hives and nucs prior to marking them ready for pick up and rarely have issues, but we are human and prone to mistakes and bees are live animals and prone to change from one day to the next. Therefore we have the following policy and will replace or exchange a colony if we are notified of an issue right away. Waiting more than a week to report an issue is not considered right away.

Cancellation, Refund and Return Policy:

     Honey bees are livestock, therefore they are subject to conditions and other factors that effect their health such as; diseases, pesticides, temperatures, etc. and since we have no control over the conditions the bees are subjected to once they leave our property, we can not be responsible for incidents or accidents after they leave our possession. For these reasons, you are more than welcome to do hive inspections before leaving our property.

    Should you decide to waive the pick up day inspection, we simply ask that you please report any issues within 48 hours of receiving your bees.

     Since we must make all necessary arrangements and commitments to secure everything needed to fill orders, from equipment to reserving bees to securing queens from preferred out of state breeders, etc., we have the following cancellation policy:

Cancellation of Orders: All cancellations for refunds must be requested in writing within seven (7) days from the time the order is placed. A 10% processing fee will be applied to all cancellation requests filled after the seventh day of the order and will be processed as time permits.

Returns for Supplies and Gear: If there is any issue with any equipment, supplies or gear, please let us know within seven (7) days of the receipt of the product and we will arrange for an exchange. All requests for a refund filled after this time are subject to a 10% restocking fee.

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Registered with and Permitted by the Texas Apiary Inspection Service, Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University

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